+39 0523 353968 info@csgengineering.eu

Precast concrete “Wings” Systems

The Precast concrete “wings” are “thin” prestressed elements, with raised “wings”, width is about 2,5 m and length up to 40 m. The design of the “V” shape of the section, and the thickness never less than 50 or 60 mm, allows to have the maximum lightness. CSG Engineering can design the precast concrete “wings” system, consisting of the cross section of the main component (named “tegolo alare”), the formwork, the performance tables for the calculation of the reinforcement according to loads and span. Also, CSG can design the secondary elements of the “wings” system to be positioned among 2 “tegolo alare”, allowing a spacing of max 6 m between them.

Precast concrete Wing systems with main and secondary elements in different shapes and materials
Precast concrete Wing systems elements in different shapes


There are many benefits that can be obtained using the precast “wing” system, which can be briefly summarized as follows:

  • Architectural look and feel: precast can enhance the formal, adding functional and structural value to the Architecture of the building
  • Long span (up to 40 meters)
  • Customization (shape and features)
  • Low structural weight along with high load performances
  • Natural light and ventilation of the building
  • Insulation and waterproofing done at the plant
  • Drainage is part of the construction system
  • Fire resistance
  • Quick and simple installation of the elements
Precast concrete Wing systems data sample
Precast concrete wing systems