+39 0523 353968 info@csgengineering.eu

PCT BRASIL – Technical Seminars on Precast

Also this year CSG Engineering arranges two Precast Concrete Technical Seminars in Brazil:

June 4-5, 2018 – Rio do Sul SC
June 7-8, 2018 – São Paulo SP

The purpose of the Precast concrete technical seminars is to bring together a network of precast professionals to keep them up-to-date on the state of the art of the precast technology in Brazil and in Europe; Seminars are addressed to:

– Associations: precasters, construction companies, engineers, architects
– Precasters (structures, slabs, pipes, blocks, etc.)
– Companies supplying machinery, materials and services
– Professionals from the construction world (investors, Builders, Architects, Engineers and students)
– University and Research

Given the high interest from the past editions, it is thought that around 250/300 professionals will be there.

For companies interested in participating in these events, there will be a distribution of technical-commercial material (in the kit delivered to each participant), exhibition spaces (coffee-break area), and others; interested companies are asked to contact us as soon as possible.

Precast concrete technical seminars Brazil