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The new BIM LegoCad release 2018.03

March, 2018, Fiorenzuola d’Arda

Also for the year 2018 there is no lack of important development goals in the CSG agenda. Last month the new version of the BIM LegoCad was presented, the release 2018.03. The latest tests by our team of designers has ended. The new version is available to users. Among the most significant news: the implementation of IFC format for BIM and th integration with FreeCAD, a parametric 3D modeler.

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Success and interest for the speech of Rinaldo Pinchiroli – CSG Engineering at the PCI Convention 2018 in Denver

2018.28.02, Fiorenzuola d’Arda (Italy)

Rinaldo Pinchiroli from CSG at the PCI CONVENTION in Denver (Colorado) has attracted interest and curiosity on precast construction systems adopted in Italy. In the speech, Pinchiroli also gave an overview of the latest innovations adopted in Italy on precast.

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