Precast Technical Seminar – PCT BRASIL 2018
The Precast Technical Seminar PCT BRASIL 2018, organized by CSG Engineering with the partnership of H2B Engenharia, took place from 04 to 08 June 2018 in the UNIDAVI university park in Rio do Sul (SC) and in the auditorium of the Radisson Hotel in Alphaville (São Paulo). Our main objectives were: to discuss and update about the state of the art of the Precast Technology in Brazil and Europe; promote, contribute and encourage companies and professionals to the importance of research and technological development of the precast industry.
This technical-academic event at the third edition was greatly appreciated. More than 200 professionals attended (more than 50 precast companies, engineers and architects).
The seminar was organized in two days each. First day dedicated to the lecture session on technical and research topics and the second day was dedicated to the technical visit to plant facilities.
The lecture program of the Precast technical seminar was rich and of quality. With national and international speakers with very broad themes and open contents, without retention of knowledge, and with interest and attention by participants
PCT 2018 Santa Catarina
1st day – June 4th
– BEM-VINDO AO EVENTO – Eng° Prof. Fábio Blanck e Eng° Marco Moschini (CSG Engineering)
– “Fazer acontecer antes”, alguns desafios do projeto, na pré-fabricação” – Eng° Flavio Isaia (IGA Engenharia)
– “Sistemas construtivos em uso na Itália” – Eng° Maurizio Frasani (CSG Engineering), Eng° Carlos Franco (CAL-FAC Consultoria & Engenharia Ltda)
– “Tecnologia da Protensão na construção pré-fabricada” Eng° Ruy Bentes (Ruy Bentes Engenharia de Estruturas)
– “Pier Luigi Nervi: engenheiro, arquiteto e construtor” Eng° Carlos Franco (CAL-FAC Consultoria & Engenharia Ltda)
– “A qualidade do concreto no estado fresco, cura e concreto no estado endurecido” Eng° Lamberto Marcantonini (Marcantonini do Brasil SRL)
– “Soluções diferenciadas em pré-moldado: caso de vigas em balanço e transição preenchida in loco, economizando escoramento” – Eng° Dirk Mader (Aluizio D”Avila Engenharia de Projetos)
– “Ligações de pré-moldados em edifícios altos” Eng° Francisco Pedro Oggi (Empório do Pré-Moldado)
– “Realizações de estruturas pré-fabricadas” Eng° Samuel Antonio Munaretti e Eng° Claudio Iriyoda (Perville Engeharia)
– “Realizações com painéis de fechamento arquitetônicos” Arq° Natália Prado e Eng° Claudio Almeida (Stone Pré-Fabricados) DEBATE
2º dia – Terça-feira 05/06
Visita técnica à Indústria:
Av. Evaldo Prim, 91, Distrito Industrial, Ituporanga/SC, 88400-000
At the Precast technical seminar in Santa Catarina, the company Proaço opened the doors accompanying the group into the different production sectors. Proaço is specialized in precast parts and metal structures. At the Seminar in São Paulo a visit to the Prefab company was done. The company is located in the city of Itu and has 60% of its production focused on hollow core slabs, The plant facility has also a solution for roofings with “W” carving in prestressed concrete.
PCT 2018 São Paulo
1º dia – Quinta-feira 07/06
– BEM-VINDO AO EVENTO – Maurizio Frasani e Marco Moschini (CSG Engineering)
– “Pesquisas em ligações de estruturas de concreto pré-moldado” – Prof. Mounir Khalil El Debs
– “Tecnologia e inovações da pré-fabricação Italiana” Eng° Maurizio Frasani, Eng° Carlos Franco
– “Ciclo de produção de peças pré-fabricadas em concreto na 24 horas. Reflexões sobre o endurecimento entre a décima quarta e décima nona hora” Eng° Lamberto Marcantonini (Marcantonini do Brasil Srl)
– “Tecnologia da Protensão na construção pré-fabricada’’ Eng° Ruy Bentes (Ruy Bentes Engenharia de Estruturas)
– “Fazer acontecer antes”, alguns desafios do projeto, na pré-fabricação” – Eng° Flávio Isaia (IGA Engenharia)
– “BIM e estruturas pré-fabricadas: adaptabilidade, interoperabilidade e formatos abertos” Arch. Yorik Van Havre
– “Soluçoes diferenciadas em pré-moldados: caso de vigas em balanço e transição preenchida in loco, economizando escoramento” – Eng° Dirk Mader (Aluizio D’Avila Engenharia de Projetos)
– “Pier Luigi Nervi: engenheiro, arquiteto e construtor” Eng° Carlos Franco (CAL-FAC Consultoria & Engenharia ltda) e Mario Franco
– “Ligações de pré-moldados em edifícios altos” Engº Carlos Eduardo Emrich Melo (CMA – Carlos Melo & Associados)
2º dia – Sexta-feira 08/06
Visita técnica à Indústria:
Estrada Particular, 500 Itu – SP CEP 13300-970
Eng° Julio Mori e João Climaco Pereira
Photo gallery
PCT Santa Catarina 04-05/06/2018
PCT São Paulo 07-08/06/2018
Our special thanks to the sponsoring companies and the institutional support
São Paulo Seminar
Santa Catarina – Seminar
I want to participate in the next edition!
I’m a:
- precast concrete technician.
- university lecturer.
- student.
- professional engineer.
- manager of a precast company and I would like to talk about a successful case
- professional specialized in precast, and I would like to offer lectures.
We are a:
- equipment company, we would like to know about sponsorship opportunities.
Please contact our coordinator: Marco Moschini (